UC105: E1 LITE – UBE1 Activity Assay Kit


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The E1 LITE – UBE1 Activity Assay is a kit for assessing E1 enzyme activity. This plate-based assay is based on the transfer of FRET energy between the acceptor-charged ubiquitin and the donor-charged ubiquitin as they both bind to the E1 enzyme. The assay employs terbium as the donor fluorophore, which has a long-lived fluorescence allowing for a time-delayed reading of the FRET signal, or time-resolved FRET (TR-FRET). This reduces the contribution from buffers, proteins, and chemical compounds.

This product is protected by one or more US or Foreign patents. Please read the Limited Use Label License to learn more. By purchasing this product, the purchaser agrees to comply to these terms.

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Plate Size(*)

96-well plate, 384-well plate


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  • Screening for inhibitors of the ubiquitin E1 enzyme, UBE1
  • Characterization of UBE1 kinetics
  • Characterization of the mechanisms of E1 inhibitors
  • Secondary screening of E3 ligase, kinase, or other target inhibitors for inhibition of UBE1
  • Eliminates the need for radioactive or Western blot-based detection of E1-ubiquitin-thioester formation
  • Homogenous assay compatible with high-throughput screening for UBE1 inhibitors
  • Compatible with 96-well and 384-well formats