SI203: Ubiquitin-K11


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SKU: SI-0203-1000 Category:


Ubiquitin is a small polypeptide that can be conjugated via its C-terminus to amine groups of lysine residue on target proteins. This conjunction is referred to as monoubiquitylation. Additional ubiquitin moieties can be subsequently conjugated to this initial ubiquitin, utilizing any one (of seven) lysine residues on the surface of ubiquitin. The formation of these ubiquitin chains is referred to as polyubiquitylation. This tag-free recombinant form of human ubiquitin is engineered to have all available lysines mutated to arginines, except at position 11. This molecule, therefore, can only form polyubiquitin chains of K11 linkage type.


Species Human
Source E. coli
Tag None
Molecular Weight 8,732 Da
Quantity 1 mg
Concentration Variable
Formulation 20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol
Storage -80°C, avoid freeze/thaw cycles

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  • Characterization of proteins responsible for ubiquitin conjugation or removal.
  • Ligand binding studies with ubiquitin related proteins.
  • Characterization of linkage type for target protein.
  • Profiling of E2/E3 interactions.
  • Characterization of E3 polyubiquitylation activity.
  • Native (tag free) recombinant wild-type ubiquitin.